Chongyu Fan


Room 3210

428 S Shaw LN

East Lansing, Michigan

United States of America

I am Chongyu Fan(樊翀宇), a first-year Ph.D. student at Michigan State University. My research interests lie in the trustworthy and scalable Machine Learning algorithms.


Jul 1, 2024 :tada: Our paper Challenging Forgets: Unveiling the Worst-Case Forget Sets in Machine Unlearning has been accepted in ECCV 2024!
Jun 5, 2024 :sparkles: Two papers UnlearnCanvas and AdvUnlearn have been made public on arxiv!
Mar 15, 2024 :sparkles: Our paper Challenging Forgets has been made public on arxiv!
Jan 16, 2024 :tada: Our paper SalUn: Empowering Machine Unlearning via Gradient-based Weight Saliency in Both Image Classification and Generation has been accepted in ICLR 2024 as spotlight!
Nov 10, 2023 :sparkles: Our paper SalUn has been made public on arxiv!

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selected publications

  1. worstcase_eccv24/worstcase.png
    Challenging Forgets: Unveiling the Worst-Case Forget Sets in Machine Unlearning
    Chongyu Fan, Jiancheng Liu, Alfred Hero, and 1 more author
    In arxiv 2403.07362, Mar 2024
  2. salun_iclr24/salun.png
    SalUn: Empowering Machine Unlearning via Gradient-based Weight Saliency in Both Image Classification and Generation
    Chongyu Fan, Jiancheng Liu, Yihua Zhang, and 3 more authors
    In arxiv 2310.12508, Oct 2023